Hirokazu Fujii 藤井泰和

Jiuta Player 地歌奏者

Hirokazu Fujii

Hirokazu Fujii is the third generation iemoto (head) of Ginmeikai, a position he inherited from his mother.  As a young boy, he learned 13-string koto under the supervision of his grandmother, founder of Ginmeikai School, who also taught him shamisen.  He has a Masters’ Degree from the Tokyo University of The Arts and is Chairman of Ginmekai School, Councilor of Japan Sankyoku Association, and is an Assistant Director of the Ikuta School.  He has received awards from NHK, the Office of Culture of Japan and the Office of Culture of Japan.  Passionate about sharing the beauty of jiuta, he teaches in eight cities and performs regularly on TV and radio, and has toured the United States, Canada and Europe.

Hirokazu Fujii's website